3 Elements to pull up a head turner valentine's outfit from your own closet !


Valentines day is a great chance to dress up even when you are single
actually specially when you are single 
Who needs a red teddy bear When you can stop being the prey and be the predator.
Go get them bear !
Own the world and make a clear statement  with your style saying that you are the boss of your life. 

1- Do NOT wear red ! 

Well if you want to wear red then sure ,but it's tad cliche don't you think? 
The sky is the limit when it comes to colors .
Don't believe the legend that says yellow makes you look darker ,first of all what's wrong with looking darker ? Plus it makes you look vivid and fresh.
Everyone knows orange is the new black 
Summer colors like orange in the middle of the cold winter gives you a hint of coolness and edginess 
It's always good to get out of your comfort zone and try new things but if you are not ready yet you can stick to safer choices like royal blue and hitt'em like an ice storm in the face with your sophistication. 

2- Re-mix and match 

Remember that "katb ktab" formal blouse you wore with a fancy skirt ? Try that with jeans plus matching bag and shoes.
And that summer short dress you wore at north coast, pair that with funky stockings ,tall boots ,fur coat ,and VOILA !

3- Touch up ! 

Don't just stand on the edge ,jump off it.
Try new things and don't be afraid to make an entrance 
You are not dressed up for an event , you are the event !
Tuck your superwoman shirt inside , sew the edges of your jeans with silver strings use silver outer space nail polish with some silver rings and you are a FASHIONISTA ! (Whatever that is) 

Don't just wear your cloths ,own them and make them your own for valentine's day However you like it just remember to always put your confidence on ;it's the best piece if accessory you can wear and it REFLECTS !


Ekram Azzazy

A doctor to be, a writer and now a fashion blogger (fashion is for everyone). 


Disclaimer: all the outfits featured in the article are copyrighted and available at our website www.rafeyafashion.com


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